Friday, October 15, 2010

Pooza Thursday

Thursday's are there for the pooza. So yesterday afternoon R.Brown went around the Dog & Pony show asking if anyone would loan us some dosh for "booze and dancin'". No replies and no cash. So long story short we land up getting R100 each from the BIG boss with the emphatic statement of 'you must go and drink with this! Not pay your rent with it". One has to listen to the boss. So after 2 bottles of red wine, some Jaegerrmeister and some beers we stumbled home.

R, Brown and the amazing pink hand chair
The First Bottle of Vino

Change of Venue: Next stop Bean Bag Bohemia

A group of men arrived in their very manly car.
So R.Brown felt it her drunken duty to be manly.
 R.Brown convincing this writer to join our Dog & Pony show.
"Nooo, really, you must move to Durban..."

 The man from the manly car that R.Brown told off for being a hunter.
Still don't know where she got the idea that he was a hunter.


  1. I like the writers chuckle. Clearly the dog and pony show to durbs was a hilarious idea.
